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    “MUI” was spirited, full of energy, and always unafraid of new challenges

    He has a heart of a child, always helping others, yet is strong willed

    With high energy, he is constantly growing and developing, 

    living towards achieving his dreams

    His dream is to become an electric guitarist, 

    And every moment in life could be an inspiration for his music. 

    He knows how precious and great his music is better than anyone else

    But one day, “MUI” discovered an another side to his world

    It was difficult for “MUI” to adapt 

    He gradually began to lose himself when faced with difficulties 

    What ultimately became a great burden to him became 

    a source of strength and energy to others

    As he enters an another world, he feels as if everything he has built so far is nothing, 

    but empty and absurd

    He feels that everything he sees and that all of his actions have less and less of a meaning

    As he runs towards his dream,

    He realized that he had an another side to him that he had lost in the past 

    As much as “MUI” cherished himself, he had also lost himself

    “MUI” was lost in his own world

    However, he himself knows how strong willed he is

    While feeling lost and empty, he goes on encouraging and comforting himself

    “MUI” felt as if his world was collapsing for a moment, 

    But he knew that this could be a special moment

    This is how “MUI” found his other self



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